Charcuterie and cheeseboards from Le Petit Buffle

We look forward to putting together your individual aperitif. Let us inspire you and feel free to contact us with any questions. For deliveries outside the Val-de-Travers, we are happy to look for an individual solution: [email protected]

Apero platter

cold dish

CHF 12.50 per person (takeaway or in house)
delivery Val-de-Travers + CHF 10.-

min. 8 persons

Apero buffet - grazing table

cold dishes

CHF 17.50 per person (takeaway or in house)
CHF 20 per person (delivery and installation in Val-de-Travers)
min. 10 pers.

Apero Dinatoire - grazing table

cold and warm dishes

CHF 22.50 per person (takeaway or in house)
CHF 25 per person (delivery and installation in Val-de-Travers)

min. 10 persons

Apéro basket

Price is composed of the desired products.
Delivery Val-de-Travers + CHF 10.-

Are you looking for a venue with catering?

We would be happy to organise your celebrations and seminars in our house.

Stähli Produits Fermiers

Le Petit Buffle

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+41 79 138 27 29
[email protected]

Adresse collection of orders

Les Quarres 3

CH-2105 Travers

Opening hours
Mon-Sun 7am-2pm
Self Scan
Card payment/ Twint